Saturday, March 7, 2009

Earning over $250K and Black: What now?

As an African American who voted for Barak Obama because I felt it was the right thing to do for our country, it is becoming increasingly difficult to savor the victory. Earning over $250K/year no longer feels like success, more like having a big bull’s eye on my back. Having worked my way up from $10 an hour in 1991 to mid six figures in 2007 it is daunting to see our financial picture fade to red. The fact of the matter is that while chasing the American Dream I did not save enough and reached for bigger and better everything for our family only to be burned by the AMT tax and Bush backlash.
When I read about the billions of dollars swindled, stolen, and mis-appropriated through mega bonus dollars for executives with poor judgment it is quite simply depressing. Just think of those who have lost their life savings contrasted against the hundreds of millions of dollars paid to executives of bankrupted companies. It is like a global pension scheme just ripped us all off!
Granted stock values have plummeted; property values are at or below many mortgage balances and the credit situation is frightening yet tomorrow still holds promise. Everyday there is a chance that just around the corner is a jackpot. So long as we do not give up and surrender to the crushing weight of the volumes of bad news shot gunned at us each day, it is our hope in the future that keeps me going.I am all for a fair share and yes the better off do have a moral responsibility to help those less fortunate but the tactics and plans being communicated today are divisive and will result in less aid to those that most need it. Not sure what happened to America and I pray that somehow a movement will evolve that can pull us up from this abyss and lead us back to where truth justice and the American Way will mean something again. Superman where are you?

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